0203 286 8796 ( Office ) - 07474 142 142 (Mobile - Whatsapp) info@amenviron.co.uk

Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Pigeons / Birds

With the increase in properties having solar panels fitted there is also an increase with birds (especially pigeons) nesting under the solar panels. Birds have found that domestic solar panels provide the perfect sanctuary to nest and reproduce. The panels not only provide shelter from extreme temperatures, rain, and snow, but it also keeps them out of sight of predators. Birds learn this behaviour and pass it down to their offspring.

The problems that nesting birds cause include smells, a build-up of droppings which can block gutters and drains, noise and general nuisance. The birds can also damage the panels whilst nesting. Pigeon droppings also carry Psittacosis which is carried in the dust of dried pigeon droppings.

Starlings or sparrows cannot be disturbed while nesting but pigeons can and if necessary, can be culled. Pigeons are not protected and are considered vermin. Control is always attempted without killing the birds.

Most pest control companies and shops sell and use bird spikes that are set at an angle to prevent birds gaining access. However, we have found that birds have learnt to push through the spikes to still gain entry.

Solar Panel Bird Proofing

We now have access to a new system of mesh and special clips that has proven to be more successful in use than the previous method of spiking. These materials have been designed exclusively for Solar Panel Bird Proofing.

The mesh comes in a roll and is fastened under the lip of the solar panels using special clips. The mesh can then be folded so it cannot be seen once the job is completed, this also increases the rigidity of the mesh. This also prevents leaves from getting under and gathering preventing the panels working properly.

Our technicians are experienced at using roofing ladders, long ladders and are PASMA certified to build scaffold towers. Sometimes very high or dangerous to access buildings will need scaffolding or the use of a cherry picker to access the solar panels. These types of buildings will obviously incur an additional charge for these types of works.


We offer free quotes for our Solar Panel Bird Proofing services. We can usually give quotations based on photos of the solar panels (please send to: info@amenviron.co.uk, Whatsapp it to 0747 414 2142 or phone 0203 286 8796 for more information).
Typically, prices range from £300.00 to £600.00, depending on access, number of panels and other factors.


We guarantee the installation of our Solar Panel Bird Proofing services for one year for any defects to the work that we carry out. We have never had a situation where we have had to return.

For SOLAR PANEL BIRD PROOFING in South London call 0747 414 2142.

For SOLAR PANEL BIRD PROOFING in Lambeth call 0747 414 2142.

For SOLAR PANEL BIRD PROOFING in Surrey call 0203 286 8796.